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Cross Town Endo Club Prior Events


The following is a summary listing of events and seminars held by the club since 1991.  Over the years, numerous prominent endocrinologists have presented scientific papers and discussions before the society.

April,  2024 - Richard J. Wong, M.D., FACS
UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Chief, Head & Neck Service
Jatin P. Shah Chair in Head and Neck Surgery & Oncology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
Management of Advanced or Recurrent Thyroid Cancer

October,  2023 - Anna M. Sawka, M.D., PhD
UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Editor in Chief of Thyroid
Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Clinician Scientist University Health Network
Toronto, Canada
Quality of Life in Thyroid Cancer Survivors

February,  2020 - Doloris Shoback, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
University of California at San Francisco
UCSF Endocrine Research Unit
San Francisco, CA
Osteoporosis: Targeting Therapies to Reduce Fracture Risk

November,  2019 - Shalender Bhasin, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard School of Medicine
Boston, MA
How Should We Diagnose and Treat Male Hypogonadism?

August,  2019 - Meeting with Multiple Speakers
Vivek R. Patel, M.D.
   Associate Professor of Medicine
   Director, Neuro-opthalmology & Adult Strabismus, Director of Education
   USC Roski Eye Institute
   USC School of Medicine
   Los Angeles, CA
Raymond Douglas, M.D., Ph.D.
   Director of Orbital & Thyroid Eye Disease Center, Professor of Opthalmology
   Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
   Los Angeles, CA
Current Treatments for Managing Difficult Patients with Thyroid Eye Disease

April,  2019 - Kenneth Cusi, M.D., FACP, FACE
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
University of Florida School of Medicine
Gainesville, FL
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), Diabetes & CVD - Links & Clinical Implications for the Endocrinologist

November,  2018 - John P. Bilezikian, M.D.
Silberberg Professor of Medicine & Pharmacology
Chief, Division of Endocrinology & Metabolic Bone Disease Program
College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University
New York, NY
The Ins and Outs of Hypoparathyroidism

November,  2018 - R. Michael Tuttle, M.D.
Memorial Hospital for Cancer & Allied Diseases
Professor of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY
Implementation of Minimalistic Initial Management for Low Risk Thyroid Cancer

April,  2018 - Irl B. Hirsch, M.D.
Diabetes Treatment & Teaching Chair
USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Professor of Medicine
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
What Every Endocrinologist Needs to Know about Diabetes Technology in 2018

March,  2018 - Megan R. Haymart, M.D.
UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrine Surgery
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology & Diabetes
University of Michigan Health Systembr> Ann Arbor, MI
The Aging Thyroid: Managing Thyroid Nodules & Cancer in Older Adults

February,  2017 - Yuri E. Nikiforov, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pathology, Director Division of Molecular & Genomic Pathology
Department of Pathology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Personalized Management of Patients with Thyroid Nodules & Cancer Using Molecular Profiling

October,  2016 - Adriana G. Ioachimescu, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Associate Professor of Medicine & Neurosurgery
Co-Director, The Emory Pituitary Center
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA
Medical Treatment of Cushing's Disease

April,  2016 - James V. Hennessey, M.D.
Director, Clinical Endocrinology, Div. of Endocrinology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Harvard University School of Medicine
Boston, MA
Using TSH, T3 and RT3 to Manage Hypothyroidism

December,  2015 - Michael McDermott, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Director, Endocrinology & Diabetes Practice
University of Colorado Hospital
Denver, CO
Personalized Diabetes Management

July,  2015 - Stephen I. Sherman, M.D.
Chair and Naguib Samaan Distinguished Professor in Endocrinology
Department of Endocrine Neoplasia & Hormonal Disorders
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX
Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Guidelines: A 16 Year Journey

April,  2015 - Leonard Wartofsky, M.D., MACP, MPH
Professor of Medicine
Washington Hospital Medical Center
Washington, DC
The 2015 ATA Guidelines: Risk Assessment & Management of Thyroid Cancer

March,  2015 - Antonio Bianco, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine, Chief of Department of Endocrinology
Rush University Medical Center
Chicago, Illinois
Molecular Underpinnings of Hypothyroidism Treatment

June,  2014 - Clifford Rosen, M.D.
Horton USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Senior Scientist Maine Medical Center Research Institute
Scarborough, Maine
Beyond Bisphosphonates: What the Future Holds for Osteoporosis

February,  2014 - Hossein Gharib, M.D., MACP, MACE
USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
President, American Thyroid Association
Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, MN
Thyroid Cancer - 2014 Update

October,  2013 - Pediatric Endocrine Meeting with Multiple Speakers
Francine Ratner Kaufman, M.D. - Diabetes Around the World: Trying to Even the Playing Field in the Age of Technology
   Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics & Communications
   Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
   Chief Medical Officer & VP, Medtronic Diabetes
   Los Angeles, CA
Mitchell E. Geffner, M.D. - Case Presentation: An Unusual Case of Precocious Puberty and Unusual Treatment
   Professor of Pediatrics, Keck USC School of Medicine
   Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
   Los Angeles, CA

April,  2013 - David S. Cooper, M.D.
USC Gail Anderson-Phil Manning Visiting Professor
Professor of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Subclinical Thyroid Disease

October,  2012 - James A. Fagan, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College
Chief, Endocrine Service, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, N.Y.
President, The American Thyroid Association
Radioiodine Therapy: Who Needs It, Who Does Not, and How to Make It Work Better

May,  2012 - Guillermo Umpierrez, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Section Head, Endocrine & Diabetes Program
Grady Health System, Emory University
Atlanta, GA
New Paradisgms in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

April,  2012 - Maria I. New, M.D.
Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Genetics & Genomic Sciences
Director, Adrenal Steroid Disorders Program
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
New York, N.Y.
An Update on Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

December,  2011 - Bryan R. Haugen, M.D.
Professor of Medicine & Pathology
Head, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Aurora, CO
2011 President, The American Thyroid Association
Uses & Abuses of Radioiodine Therapy in the Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

November,  2011 - Irwin L. Klein, M.D
Professor of Medicine and Cell Biology, Division of Endocrinology
Director of the Thyroid Unit
North Shore University Hospital
Manhasset, NY
Novel Thyroid Hormone Based Therapies for the Treatment of Heart Disease

October,  2011 - Mark E. Molitch, M.D.
USC Gail Anderson-Phil Manning Visiting Professor
Professor of Endocrinology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL
Does My Patient Have Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency, And What Should I Do About It?

January,  2011 - Symposium on Endocrine Surgery
Dennis R. Maceri, M.D. - What's the Right Surgery for Differentialted CA of the Thyroid in 2011
   Associate Professor, Dept. of Otolaryngology
   USC Keck School of Medicine
Michael W. Yeh, M.D. - Advances in Minimally Invasive Endocrine Surgery - 2011
   Assistant Professor, Director of Endocrine Surgery Program
   UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Jerome M. Hershman, M.D. - Moderator
   Professor, Dept of Endocrinology & Metabolism
   UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine & West Los Angeles VA Medical Center

October,  2010 - Lewis E. Braverman, M.D.
USC Gail Anderson-Phil Manning visiting Professor of Endocrine Diseases in Pregnancy
Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine
Visiting Professor, Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Iodine and the Thyroid - 50 Years Study

February,  2010 - Sam Refetoff, M.D.
Frederick H. Rawson Professor in Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics
Director of the Endocrinology Laboratory
University of Chicago School of Medicine
Chicago, IL
26th Boris Catz, MD Lectureship
Hypothyroidism that Cannot be Corrected with Thyroid Hormone

December,  2009 - James R. Sowers, M.D.
Thomas W. & Joan F. Burns Missouri Chair in Diabetology
Director of the Center for Diabetes & Cardiovascular Health
Professor of Medicine, Physiology & Pharmacology
University of Missouri - Columbia School of Medicine
Columbia, MO
Diabetes & Hypertension: Update
    Download Slides

October,  2009 - Alex S. Stagnaro-Green, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Touro University College of Medicine
Hackensack, NJ
An Overview, Thyroid Dysfunction/Autoimmunity & Pregnancy Loss
    Download Slides

May,  2009 - Francesco Rubino, M.D.
Chief, GI Metabolic Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY
Surgical Treatment of type 2 Diabetes: Clinical & Pathophysiological Implications

March,  2009 - Leslie J. DeGroot, M.D.
Research Professor, Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Biology
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
25th Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
Causes & Cures of Graves' Disease

February,  2009 - Silva Arslanian, M.D.
Richard L. Day Professor of Pediatrics
Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles Visiting Endocrine Professor
Type 2 Diabetes in Youth: What Have We Learned?

November,  2008 - Bryan R. Haugen, M.D.
Head, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes
University of Colorado & Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO
2008 USC Keck School of Medicine Visiting Endocrine Professor
Imaging, Blood Tests & Clinical Exam in the Follow-up of Low Risk Thyroid Cancer Patients

February,  2008 - Ian Hay, MB, ChB, PhD
Richard F. Emslander Professor of Endocrinology & Nutrition Research
Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, MN
24th Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
A Perspective on Papillary Thyroid Cancer in the 21st Century

October,  2007 - Daniel Glinoer, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief, Endocrine Division, University Hospital Saint Pierre
Professor of Internal Medicine, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Brussels, Belgium
Management of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy: Resolved & Unresolved Issues

April,  2007 - B. Lawrence Riggs, M.D.
Purves & Roberta Professor of Medical Research Emeritus
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, Minnesota
The Role of the RANK/RANK-Ligand/OPG Pathway in Bone Loss & Associated Diseases

March,  2007 - Glen D. Braunstein, M.D.
James R. Klineberg, MD Chair in Medicine
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Professor of Medicine & Vice Chairman, Dept. of Medicine
Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
23rd Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
Thyroid Incidentalomas & Low Risk Differentiated Thyroid Cancer:  
    Surprises, Dilemmas, and Morton's Fork

November,  2006 - Thomas S. Scanlan, Ph.D.
Professor of Physiology & Pharmacology
Director, Program in Chemical Biology
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
New Thyroid Hormone Experimental Therapeutics:  Bench to Bedside

February,  2006 - Richard J. Robbins, M.D.
Charles & Anne Duncan Distinguished Professor
Weill Medical College, Cornell University
Chairman, Dept. of Medicine
The Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas
22nd Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
My PET Theories about Thyroid Cancer

February,  2005 - Gregory A. Brent, M.D.
Professor of Medicine & Physiology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Chief, Endocrinology & Diabetes Division
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA
21st Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
Optimizing Thyroid Status in Pregnancy for Mother and Fetus:
   Mechanisms, Clinical Management and Public Policy

February,  2005 - Lewis E. Braverman, M.D.
Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Professor of Medicine
Boston University Medical School, Boston, MA
2005 USC School of Medicine Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Iodine and the Thyroid: 1960 to 2005

January,  2005 - Paul Ladensen, M.D.
John Eager Howard Professor of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
President, The American Thyroid Association
Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Cancer

November,  2004 - Sharmila Majumdar, Ph.D.
Professor in Residence, Dept of Radiology
Adjunct Professor of Orthopedics
University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, California
How Good Are The Bones?   Emerging Techniques Beyond Bone Density

February,  2004 - Marvin Gershengorn, M.D.
Scientific Director, Division of Intramural Research
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Disease
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
20th Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
TRH Receptor Subtypes: Similarities and Differences

November,  2003 - John D. Baxter, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, California
Selective Modulation of The Thyroid Hormone Receptor as An Approach to Obesity & Atherosclerosis

October,  2003 - CLINICAL MEETING
Martin H. Weiss, M.D.

    Professor & Chairman
    Department of Neurological Surgery
    USC Keck School of Medicine
Daniel F. Kelly, M.D.
    Associate Professor, Division of Neurosurgery
    Director, Pituitary & Neuroendocrine Program
    Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California
Shlomo Melmed, M.D.   Moderator
Endocrine Outcome of Sellar Surgery

February,  2003 - Jerome M. Hershman, M.D.
Associate Chief, Endocrine Division, West Los Angeles VA Medical Center
Professor of Medicine
Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California
19th Boris Catz, M.D. Lecturship
Molecular and Clinical Advances in Thyroid Cancer

December,  2002 - Morey W. Haymond, M.D.
Washington University School of Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics, Chief Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
Baylor Collete of Medicine, Houston, Texas
2002 USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Controlling the Sugar Bowl - The Small & The Large of It

December,  2001 - Philip E. Cryer, M.D.
Irene E. & Michael M. Karl Professor of Endocrinology & Metabolism in Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
2001 USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Is Hypoglycemia an Issue in Type2 Diabetes?

October,  2001 - Ernest L. Mazzaferri, M.D., M.A.C.P.
Professor of Medicine, University of Florida
Emeritus Professor & Chairman of Internal Medicine, Ohio State University
Current Issues in the Management of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
Clinical Case Presentation by Pejman Cohan, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine UCLA

March, 2001 - J. Larry Jameson, M.D., Ph.D.
Chairman, Department of Medicine
Northwestern University Medical School
Chicago, Illinois
2001 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Gene Therapy for Pituitary Tumors: Prospects and Problems

November, 2000 - Richard J. Robbins, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, Cornell University
Attending Physician and Chief, Endocrinology Service
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York
New (and Non-Indrustry Sponsored) Research on the Practical Clinical Value of Recombinant Human TSH for Thyroid Cancer Patients

March, 2000 - Roger H. Unger, M.D.
2000 USC Pfizer Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas

How Obesity Causes Diabetes:  Dysregulation of Intracellular Homeostasis of Fatty Acids

January, 2000 - Carl Grunfeld, M.D.
2000 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Professor of Medicine, University of California Medical School at San Francisco
Changing Spectrum of Metabolic Complications in HIV Infection

September, 1999 - Christopher Viereck, Ph.D.
Director of Medical Therapeutics
Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc.
Clinical Studies on Insulin Glyargine - A New Long-Acting Insulin Analog with Uniform Blood Levels

June, 1999 - Masato Kasuga, M.D.
1999 City of Hope Rachmiel Levine Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Medicine
Kobe University School of Medicine - Kobe, Japan
Insulin Signaling and Insulin Resistence

April, 1999 - E. Chester Ridgeway, M.D.
1999 USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Head, Division of Endocrinology
University of Colorado Heath Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
Use of Recombinant TSH in the Management of Thyroid Cancer

February, 1999 - John W. Funder, M.D., Ph.D.
1999 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Director, Baker Medical Research Institute
Victoria, Australia
A Tale of Three Cities 

April, 1998 - Alex Rabinovitch, M.D.
1998 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Professor of Medicine & Immunology, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Co-Director, Muttart Diabetes Research & Training Centre
What kills the Beta Cell in Type I Diabetes?

March, 1998 - Michael C. Sheppard, M.B., Ph.D., F.R.C.P.
1998 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Head, Depart of Medicine
University of Birmingham (England)
The Management of Acromegaly with Long-Acting Depot Somatostatin Analogs

May, 1997 - Jerrold M. Olefsky, M.D.
1997 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Chief of Staff for Endocrinology & Metabolism, VA Medical Center
Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism
University of California School of Medicine at San Diego
Pathogenesis and New Treatments of NIDDM and Other Insulin Resistent States

March, 1997 - Maria I. New, M.D., Ph.D.
1997 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Chief, Pediatric Endocrinology>
New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center
Prenatal Diagnosis & Treatment of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

November, 1996 - Samuel Cushman, M.D.
1996 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Chief, Experimental Diabetes
Metabolism and Nutrition Diabetes Branch, NIH
Cell Biology of Insulin Action on Glucose Transport

Dilemmas in the Management of Hyperthyroidism
    Jerome M. Hershman, M.D. - UCLA School of Medicine
    John T. Nicoloff, M.D.         - USC School of Medicine
    Inder J. Chopra, M.D.          - UCLA School of Medicine
Moderator: David L. Geffner, M.D.
Cases Presented by Jon LoPresti, M.D.

March, 1996 - Arthur E. Broadus, M.D., Ph.D.
1996 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Ensign Professor of Medicine
Chief, Section of Endocrinology - Yale University
The Two Faces of Parathyropid Hormone - Related Peptide: Hypercalcemia of Malignancy and Regulation of Normal Development.

November, 1995 - John A. Colwell, M.D., Ph.D.
1995 UCLA-VA Pfizer Visiting Professor of Diabetes Management
Professor of Medicine, Director of the Diabetes Center
Medical Center of South Carolina
Intensive Glycemic Control in Type II Diabetes (NIDDM): A Different Story?

May, 1995 - Daniel Porte, M.D.
1994 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Professor of Medicine, Director Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center
University of Washington
B-cell Failure in Type 2 Diabetes. Why?

March 8, 1995 - Simeon Taylor, M.D., Ph.D.
1995 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Chief of Diabetes Section, NIDDK at NIH
Approaches to the Genetic Studies of Diabetes Mellitus

January, 1995 - Kenneth S. Polonsky, M.D.
USC Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago School of Medicine
Receipient of the ADA Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award
When in the Natural History of NIDDM does B-cell Function Become Abnormal?

April, 1994 - Neil B. Ruderman, M.D.
1994 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Boston University Medical School
Director of the Diabetes Unit, Boston University Medical Center

Metabolically Obese Normal Weight Individuals: A New Target for Therapy.

March, 1994 - David Clemmons, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, Univ. of No. Carolina
Chief of Endocrinology
IGF and other Growth Factors in Health and Disease

January, 1994 - John D. Baxter, M.D.
Professor of Medicine, U.C. San Francisco
Molecular Mechanism of Thyroid Hormone Action: Basic and Clinical Perspectives

December, 1993 - Ernest L. Mazzaferri, M.D.
Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Ohio State University
Chairman, Department of Medicine
Current Trends in the Management of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma

November, 1993 - CLINICAL MEETING
CASE 1 - A 17 year old diabetic boy who has not entered puberty and has a height age of 12.
    Thomas Roe, M.D. - L.A. Children's Hospital
    Mitchell E. Geffner, M.D. - UCLA
    S. Douglas Frasier, M.D. - Olive View Medical Center
CASE 2 - Impotence Problem - The workup and proper management of erectile dysfunction
    Stanley Korenman, M.D. - UCLA

May, 1993 - Simeon Taylor, M.D., Ph.D.
1993 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Chief of Diabetes Section, NIDDK at NIH
Recent advances in the understanding of the pathogenesis of Non insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus.

March, 1993 - William D. Odell, M.D., Ph.D.
1993 UCLA Visiting Professor of Endocrinology
University of Utah, Professor of Medicine and Chairman, Department of Medicine
Differential Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Of Isosexual Precocious Puberty

November, 1992 - Leslie J. DeGroot, M.D.
1992 USC School of Medicine Visiting Professor
University of Chicago Medical Center, Thyroid Study Unit
Dangerous Dogmas In Thyroidology

September, 1992 - CLINICAL MEETING
CASE 1: Pseudohypoparathyroidism - A Disorder of Calcium Regulation

    Presenter: Bethel Steindel, M.D. L.A. Children's Hospital
    Discussant: Cornelis VanDop, M.D. - U.C.L.A.
CASE 2: Hyperthyroidism Due to Pituitary Resistence to Thyroid Hormone
    Presenter: Tony Dulgaroff, M.D. Wadsworth V.A. Hospital
    Discussant: John T. Nicoloff, M.D. - U.S.C.

March, 1992 - C. Ronald Kahn, M.D.
1992 Rachmiel Levine City of Hope Visiting Professor
Harvard University - Iacocca Professor of Medicine, Chief, Brigham and Women's Hospital - Division of Diabetes and Metabolism
Diabetogenes And Insulin Resistance In The Pathogenesis Of Type Ii Diabetes

December, 1991 - Robert A. Kreisberg, M.D.
1991 UCLA Visiting Professor
University of Alabama, Professor of Medicine
Hypertriglyceridemia and Coronary Artery Disease

November, 1991 - Lawrence Raisz, M.D.
1991 USC Visiting Professor
University of Connecticut, Professor and Chief, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Interaction of Local And Systemic Factors in the Regulation of Bone Metabolism

CASE 1:    Acromegaly     Presented by F. Kandeel, M.D. - City of Hope Medical Center
Thyroid Carcinoma An interesting case of thyroid carcinoma of mixed medullary, papillary and follicular elements. Management of this unusual case will be discussed.

Presented by I. Ipp, M.D. - Harbor Medical Center